Sometimes you end up in between Diamond Paintings. You may have done the ones you had a little faster than you thought, or a pandemic comes along and make everything come to a stop. Whatever the reason, here I list some things you can do while waiting for the next painting.

Get a Diamond Painting app

Download a Diamond Painting app and fill it with all your completed projects, and the ones you’ve ordered, and all the ones you dream of doing. I’ve made a post about one such app that you can find here: Diamond Painting logbook.

Diamond Painting logbook app
Projects added in the Diamond Painting logbook app with different status.

Watch others

On YouTube you can find lots of Diamond Painting videos. So just search and see what comes up. I suspect you will have something to do for quite some time. Especially when YouTube suggests new videos all the time after you have seen one.

Leftover drills

Use your leftover drills to decorate something. This will at least have you doing something with the drills. I have made key chains of mine, and plan to make greeting cards. You can find some tips on what to do here: 6 tips for what to do with leftover drills.

leftover drills
Some key chains I made with leftover drills.

Get inspiration for new paintings

Head over and login to Pinterest and get inspiration for new paintings. Try searching for Diamond Painting and you will see that there are tons of things. Both paintings and tips can be found. If you don’t know how to search, you can visit this link: Diamond Painting on Pinterest.

Cross stitch app

There are some cross stitch apps out there, so if you don’t have anything to do then you can download one. You can go to your happy place and dream that the crosses you put down are Diamond Painting drills. Not quite as fun as doing Diamond Painting, but at least you have something to do.

Color-book app

If cross stitch is not for you, you can download a coloring book app instead. Same as with the cross stitch. It’s not quite the same thing as holding a real Diamond Painting. But it is something to do until the real deal arrives.

Order more

If you start getting really desperate while waiting for the next painting, you can always head in to the nearest website that sells Diamond Paintings and order more. It may not help you so much right now, as you now have even more paintings to wait for. But see it as an investment and that once they arrive you will have tons to do. Maybe it prevents you from waiting for the next painting.