Wish.com is an e-commerce platform where goods are sold directly from producers to customers. They sell a lot of different things and among that is Diamond Paintings and accessories.

About the company

In essence, Wish is a mobile app but they also have a website where you can make purchases. The mobile app is available for both iOS and Android. The company was founded in 2010 but back then they had a completely different idea of what it would be. The idea changed quickly and became what we know today. Many of Wish’s sellers are factories in China, but there are sellers from all over the world.


If you have ordered something from Wish, you have probably noticed that the shipping is calculated per item and not for the entire order. The reason for this is that there are different sellers. When you search, it may look like everything comes from the same place, but that is not the case. To see which seller is selling the product, click on it and go to the section that says “Sold by”. There it says which store sells the product you are looking at. The shipping cost for the product is also stated when you look at an item. It varies a bit between sellers and it can be a good idea to compare between different sellers.

An example of what it looks like on wish.com when you look at who the seller of a product is.

You can find the store here: wish.com.